편지원본 링크
Dear Hannah's Guardian Angels,
We are blessed and humbled to have such overwhelming love and support. You will never realize how much your incredible generosity and powerful messages helped carry us through this incredible journey. Although it wasn't the ending we all prayed for or dreamed about, Hannah was and will forever be our Little Rock Star! Our special gift from God. From her hospital bed she was able to bring together beautiful people from around the world, touching all of our hearts and changing our lives forever. She performed countless miracles during her short but sweet time with us..and with God's will, she will continue to perform miracles in Heaven. Knowing her, she's just getting started.
Hannah's favorite colour was yellow, so when you see a yellow flower or butterfly, that's her saying hello. Hannah loved playing with a bouncy ball, her hilarious belly laughs proved it! So when you play ball with your precious little ones, save a throw or thought or belly laugh for her. Hannah was the most positive and friendly person I've ever met and despite her struggles and pain she battled through like a champ. She taught us all that life is a precious gift to be filled with love and laughter, NEVER to be taken for granted. We all will die, but it's how we chose to live which matters most. Spend every day like Hannah would. That's her precious gift for all of us. A very powerful blessing indeed!
" Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday Sweet Baby Girl, happy birthday to you!"
God Bless!
Darryl, Young-Mi, Dana and Hannah xoxo
We are blessed and humbled to have such overwhelming love and support. You will never realize how much your incredible generosity and powerful messages helped carry us through this incredible journey. Although it wasn't the ending we all prayed for or dreamed about, Hannah was and will forever be our Little Rock Star! Our special gift from God. From her hospital bed she was able to bring together beautiful people from around the world, touching all of our hearts and changing our lives forever. She performed countless miracles during her short but sweet time with us..and with God's will, she will continue to perform miracles in Heaven. Knowing her, she's just getting started.
Hannah's favorite colour was yellow, so when you see a yellow flower or butterfly, that's her saying hello. Hannah loved playing with a bouncy ball, her hilarious belly laughs proved it! So when you play ball with your precious little ones, save a throw or thought or belly laugh for her. Hannah was the most positive and friendly person I've ever met and despite her struggles and pain she battled through like a champ. She taught us all that life is a precious gift to be filled with love and laughter, NEVER to be taken for granted. We all will die, but it's how we chose to live which matters most. Spend every day like Hannah would. That's her precious gift for all of us. A very powerful blessing indeed!
" Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday Sweet Baby Girl, happy birthday to you!"
God Bless!
Darryl, Young-Mi, Dana and Hannah xoxo
=============== 발로한 번역입니다. -.,-;; ===============
사랑하는 해나의 수호천사님들에게
우리가족은 여러분의 엄청난 응원과 사랑에 감사드리고 있습니다.
여러분의 믿을 수 없이 관대하고 힘이되는 이야기가 그동안의 여행에서
얼마나 큰 도움이 되었는지 알 수 없을 겁니다.
하지만 이것이 우리의 기원과 꿈의 끝이 아니며
해나는 우리의 영원한 작은 록 스타가 될 것입니다.
해나는 우리가 신으로 부터 받은 특별한 선물입니다.
해나는 병원침대에서 전 세계의 아름다운 사람들을 모았고
우리모두에게 감동을 주었고 영원히 우리의 삶을 변화시켰습니다.
해나는 짧았지만 행복한 시간동안 해아릴수 없이 많은 기적을 우리와 함께 했습니다
그리고 하나님의 뜻으로 천국에서도 그 기적을 계속해 갈 것이며
이제 시작일 뿐임을 알고 있습니다.
해나는 노란색을 좋아했습니다.
당신이 노란색 꽃이나 나비를 보게 된다면 그것은 해나가 보내는 인사입니다.
해나는 탱탱볼을 가지고 놀기 좋아했습니다. 배꼽이 빠지도록 웃던 모습이 그 증명 이지요!
당신의 아이들과 공을 가지고 놀때
공을 던지거나 생각하거나 배꼽빠지게 웃을때 해나를 찾을 수 있을 것입니다.
해나는 내가 만난 가장 긍정적이고 친절한 아이였고,
많은 아픔에도 불구하고 챔피언처럼 싸워주었고
해나는 삶에 당연한 일이란 없으며,
삶은 사랑과 웃음으로 가득찬 귀중한 선물임을 가르쳐주었습니다.
우리는 모두 죽습니다.
하지만 더나은 삶을 살기위한 선택이 가장 중요합니다.
해나가 살았던 것 처럼 매일을 살아가고 있으며
그것은 해나가 우리에게 준 귀중한 선물이며 아주 큰 축복입니다.
"생일 축하합니다~ 생일축하 합니다~
사랑하는 우리아기~ 생일 축하 합니다~!"
하나님의 축복이...
Darryl, Young-Mi, Dana and Hannah xoxo
(xoxo : hugs and kisses 키스하는 입모양과 포옹하는 모습)